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Shifting into the Age of Aquarius now

Writer's picture: WendyWendy

Updated: Nov 24, 2024

By Wendy Barker

I have been curious about the Age of Aquarius since I first heard about it as a child. I recall my older sisters talking about this mysterious Age of Aquarius. My eyes and energy would light up just thinking about this magical time somewhere way off in the distance future. I remember thinking; What would it be like this magical age? Where would I be? What would I be doing? What was possible? So many much wonder. At the time I really resonated with this wonderous future Age of Aquarius, I looked forward to hearing all about it in my lifetime.

There are many theories on when the Age of Aquarius actually starts or started. I'm not going into that in this article, rather I would like to share a personal experience I had and what I understand the shift to be.

In 2012 there was much debate whether or not the end of the Mayan Calendar marked the end of the world. Did the Mayan's know more than the rest of the world? The calendar had been written thousands of years ago, why did it end on December 12, 2012? Interesting choice for possibly the end of the world.

I recall back to 2012 when in November my sister and I wend on a spiritual holiday to Sedona, Arizonia. We had spent the day hiking and enjoying the energy of this amazing place. We had just sat down for a break when two men approached us and asked a question about the vortex. They spoke with an accent, so I asked "where are you from". Their reply was "Peru", I instantly asked them about the end of the Mayan calendar. Did the end of the Mayan calendar signify the end of the world? The one fellow went on to explain that no it didn't signify the end of the world but it did represent a shift of consciousness.

He asked "Have you heard about the Age of Aquarius"? Yes. "Well, it is said this shift is the beginning of the Age of Aquarius." It is really amazing how life works, here I am sitting on Bell Rock and receiving information about a topic that I had found mystifying since childhood. I felt I had been given a huge gift from the Universe.

I was entralled. I asked what was this shift of the Age of Aquarius all about? He went on to explain that for the past thousands of years the world has been in a masculine energy. A world of competition, of man against man, of acquiring more for me. The masculine energy is about doing, action, achieiving. This energy has been in the shape of a pyramid with a few people at the top leading and lots of people at the bottom following. This shift is about moving from the masculine energy into the feminine energy, which is nurturing, connectedness, intuitive, more about being and sharing with the collective. This would look more rectangular, more about empowering self by knowing and then empowering others so they are able to empower themselves. The shift represents a movement from "me" to "we".

Another way to look at is we have been living in a 3D consciousness, meaning we are operating more from the mind, our mind is running the show. What we think becomes our reality. Maybe you have heard the phrase change your thinking and you will change your reality. Our minds have been bombarded with many points of view about what we need to be thinking, what is the right way to think. Points of view come to us from many directions in our society, family, ancestors, friends and acqaintances. As well as institutions such as schools, the media, churches, clubs even things like our medical system, banking, insurance, politics. Basically anything that is geared towards wanting us to think they are right therefore we are wrong and must believe what they are telling us. Much of this information is based on fear and fear isn't real it is just something we perceive.

The 3D world is about doing, accepting what you are told and doing what you are told to do. We go along with it because it must be the right way if they are saying it is. What do we know? The more we do what they say is the way to be successful, the more successful we will be. The richer we will be, the happier we will be. Right?

In most cases we aren't even aware we are operating from another persons point of view in fact in most cases we think we are operating from the way we think is the right way. Have we ever stopped and asked ourselves "Where did these thoughts come from?" Are they ours? Or are they points of view or beliefs we picked up from our parents, siblings, teachers, friends etc. Most of us are functioning from, this is the way my parents, my family, my teacher did it so this is the way we are doing it.

Have you ever asked yourself these questions? Is this really what I believe or value? Is this really how I want to show up in my relationships, show up for me? Is this medical advice really the right advice for me? Are my thoughts, my actions, my words really mine or am I mimiciking someone else in my life? Big questions aren't they? Tough questions for sure.

The Age of Aquarius is about a shift in consciousness to the 5D. Shifting into the 5D is about each one of us really getting to know what is right for us, about developing our knowing. 5D is not about coming from the mind, it's about coming from the heart. The heart doesn't think, it is a place of knowing.

We are in the shift now, the universe is shifting. At this time many planets are shifting into different astrological signs. There is an energy of shifting available to each of us at this time, if we want it. Taking advantage of this energy could make it easier to make the personal shifts we have been thinking about. A good place to start is to ask "How can I use this energy to create a change that is in align with what I would like my life to look like?"

Thank you for joining me as I am exploring and sharing my journey of the Age of Aquarius.



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