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5 Easy Steps to Find Your LIght

By Wendy

What does “Your Light” mean?

“Your Light” is the source within you that is goodness, knowing and selfless. It’s that spark in you that says I am love, I am unique I am alive. It is the true essence of who you really are. Your light is a symbol of all the good that you are, all the wonderful things that make you who you are.

We all have seen that person that really stands out, that seems to have a special glow. When we come across someone that is shining their light we think “ I want whatever it is that person has”. What is it that person has that I don’t have?

At times we have experienced our light shining bright and sometimes it is really hard to find. I remember a time in my life when I could barely see my light, it was just a flicker. I didn’t understand what the light was. All I knew was I had to change or that small little light would be gone forever.

So I made a change.....I started on a journey to find my light.

Today I am sharing the 5 steps I have learnt over the years so you are able to find your light. I know it’s important to you or you wouldn’t be here right now. It is important to me because I want you to experience the beauty of finding your Light and being your best self.

Here are the 5 steps to find your Light

1. Be Open To Change

1) It is obvious the way things are now, aren’t working for you. Let the possibility of looking at yourself to see why your light is so hard to find. This may require seeking assistance from a professional. It is doable on your own if you are willing to take a good look at yourself.

2) A good journal would come in handy. The more you can write it out, the clearer it can become.

3) Ask yourself why am I afraid to stand out, why do I keep myself invisible? Tough questions for sure.

4) I remember when someone asked me that question I was shocked, how dare this person that didn’t know me say such a thing about me. Years later I can thank her. Yes I have kept myself invisible, yes I did find it safe to be invisible and sometimes I still do.

I have learnt that keeping myself invisible seemed like it was safe for awhile. In reality it wasn’t, it kept me isolated and lonely. I wasn’t living my life, I was just going through the motions.

2. Be Courageous

1) Usually its fear that stops us from looking at ourselves. Fear of change is a big one.

2) Taking the steps to find our light means we must be fearless in our ability to change. Is your fear real or perceived? When you are in danger fear is there to protect you. All other fear is in your mind. Something somewhere happened that made you think you need to fear change. You don’t. Change is necessary for growth. Change is a healthy part of life.

3) Acknowledge that it is only your fear that is stopping you from finding your light. A light that when nurtured will allow you to live a more fulfilling life.

3) Letting go of Fear

Awareness is the first step to change. You are aware that you fear change now find ways of letting go of your fear. Here is a couple of ways that I have used:

1) Take a piece of paper and write out your fears, go outside in a safe place and burn your paper. Watch them burn, letting them all go. I have used the barbecue to burn many things I have let go.

2) One really fun way was, my sister and I were both going through a period of letting go. We went down to the river each with a pencil. We gathered up some leaves that had fallen on the ground. We wrote a fear on each leaf, blessed if for helping us along the way, said goodbye and placed it in the river to gently flow away. Watching as each one floated away was very freeing.

It made a fun time of letting go of things that no longer worked for us and was a great way to bond with someone going through similar things.

3) Be creative, Letting Go frees you so more light can come in.

4. Filling in the space

1) Become aware of what brings you happiness, what makes you want to sing and dance?

2) Acknowledge the things that make your heart light, write them down, journal about it.

3) Look for ways to bring more light into your life. Walk in nature, join a club, do

something you always wanted to do.

4) Share your new self with someone you are comfortable with. Talking about what you are going through helps to clarify it for you.

5) Search for like minded people that will encourage you along your way.

5. Be Gentle With Yourself

1) Working on you and making changes is hard work, it is emotional work. Change takes time, you will have ups and downs. Keep going, I know you are worth it. If you get stuck along the way ask yourself “What am I resisting?” and listen for the answer.

2) When you see your light, acknowledge it, celebrate it. Smile, let it know you recognize it and are so happy to see it. Embrace it like you would an old friend

3) Be kind with yourself, be compassionate, I know you can do this because I am sure you have done it for others. It’s your turn to do it for yourself now.

4) You have the power to shine your light. Be your true authentic self.

5) Affirm: I am ready to let my light shine!

Wendy’s words for you......

It has been my pleasure to share my light and this article with you. I hope you have found the courage to start your journey to dig deep and find your light.

Awareness that you have a light and you have the power to find it, nourish it and make it grow is a very powerful message. Give yourself the gift of growing into the person you are meant to be.

Be a mentor to others, an example to them on their journey as they find their light. Let them know they can do it too. Sharing your light with others will increase the light in you and on earth.

Stand up; Be Seen; You are an Amazing Person, Let your Light Shine


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