This first new moon of the year is in Aquarius. It is a time of planning, for new beginnings, new goals, rejuvenating and manifesting.
A new moon is the phase of the Moon when it is not visible from Earth. Astrologers call this time when the moon and sun meet a conjunction. This occurs at the same time each month when the Moon is between the Earth and the Sun. It is the start of a new lunar cycle.
This January moon is about planning for the future. With this potent Aquarius energy you have the chance to make big changes in your life. It is a positive time to initiate projects, new beginnings, and create a list of goals and intentions. This first moon of the year is a Super new moon, which means it is closer to the earth and there will be more energy around than a normal new moon.
This new moon can bring clarity. It is an opportunity to get clear on the positive change you want to create in your life. What do you want to end? What do you want more of or less of? The two weeks between the new moon and the full more are the most powerful for rejuvenating and manifesting.
What do you want your future to look like? How do you want your life to look in 1 year, 5 years, 10 years? What goals do you need to make in order to have that life? Write it down.
Dream big, this is the time to really get clear on how you want your life to look. This is the beginning of your planning stage.
Do you want to create positive change in your life? Think about changes you would like to make personally. How do you want to perform in your day to day life? Do you want to be more grateful, friendlier, happier, more loving, more outgoing? How do you want to show up in the world? Write it down, get clear.
This New Moon is a good time to acknowledge what you stand for. What do you believe in? How would you like to create change in your life and the world? Think about it write it down. Awareness is a great start to creating a change.
Plan to start a project: Do you want to start something new? Are there projects you have been putting off? If so, write it down during this new moon. Be clear what it is and when you are going to start them.
What do you want to end? An ending is also a beginning ,a new way of life. Do you have a bad habit you are thinking about quitting? Make a plan, set a date, do a step by step plan on how you plan to do this.
Do you want to start something new? This new moon symbolizes a powerful time for new beginnings, fresh starts, and new opportunities. It is a time of renewal and a chance to reconnect with your higher self.
What problems do you want to solve? Think of a new approach to an old problem.
Think out of the box, create a plan.
Now that you have done your list of new beginnings, it’s time to set the intention. This new moon is a good time to set intentions to go with your beginnings. Here is my practice:
I spend the two days before and after a new moon to write down my intentions and goals. I get out my journal and start writing. Each new sentence I start with “I intend”.
I intend to _________________________________. Write out what you intend to do, how you intend to do it and when you intend to do it. Own it, make it real. If you don’t intend to do it don’t write it down. This format works for me because it makes it real it puts my ownership on it.
Wendy’s words for you……………
It was a great pleasure writing this blog for you. I am very aware of the cycles of the moon and enjoy working with its amazing energy. I hope you will see the benefit of adding this to create your best life.
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Thank you Wendy, this is such a good reference and check list on setting and putting into action one’s personal goals.🤙