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Do You Know What Motivates You?

Writer's picture: Wendy Wendy

Motivation is the force that drives individuals to pursue goals and reach their highest potential. Motivation is what pushes us to take action and persist in the face of difficulty. It is important to understand what motivates us so we know what the force is to drive us towards success.

Motivation is very complex and is unique to each individual. Motivation can be divided into two categories: intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic motivation is the motivation that comes from your inner self, from personal interests and goals. Extrinsic motivation is the motivation that comes from outside forces, such as rewards and punishments.

Let’s look at 3 different motivational theories to see if you can find which one works best for you.

1) The Expectancy-Value Theory proposed by Edward Deci and Richard Ryan. This theory states that people are motivated by the expectation that their behavior will result in a desired outcome, as well as the value they place on the outcome. People are more likely to be motivated to act if they believe that the outcome will be valuable to them and if they believe that their actions will lead to that outcome.

Here is an example of how the Expectancy-Value works:

An individual is deciding how to invest their money. They can use Expectary-Value Theory to calculate the expected values associated with different investments and use this information to help them decide which one to choose.

2) There is the Self-Determination Theory, proposed by Deci and Ryan. The Self-Determination theory proposes people are motivated when their behavior is internally driven and self-determined. People are driven to act when their behavior is autonomous, when they are in control of their actions, and when the behavior is meaningful and interesting to them.

Here is an example of the Self-Determination Theory:

An employee who is feeling overwhelmed by their workload may choose to speak to their manager about reducing their hours or redistributing their tasks. By expressing their needs and advocating for themselves, the employee is taking a proactive approach to addressing their situation and demonstrating self-determination.

3) Finally there is Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. This is one of the most well-known theories. Maslow proposed that people have 5 needs. These needs are physiological, safety, love and belonging, esteem, and self-actualization. He argued that people will strive to fulfill these needs in a hierarchical order, starting with the most basic needs and progressing up the hierarchy as the need are met.

Here is an example of Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs:

A person is homeless and hungry. They need to satisfy the basic physiological needs of food, water, and shelter. Once those needs are met, the person can begin to look for a job, which will allow them to satisfy their safety needs of security and stability.

Motivation is a key factor in many areas of life, knowing which motivational theory works for you is very beneficial in how you approach life. Knowing what motivates you can affect how successful you are in your work, your education, and your relationships. It can also influence your physical and mental health.

Therefore, it is important to understand which theory works to motivate you and to find ways to implement it into your life. Establishing goals can give you direction, focus, and purpose. They can help us to motivate you and keep you on track. Be realistic, set achievable goals, breaking them down into smaller more manageable tasks. Taking small steps can help us to stay motivated and make progress.

Rewards can also be used to motivate ourselves and others. Discover what works for you, a reward that is tangible such as money or something material, or intangible, such as praise or recognition. Rewards can provide positive reinforcement and help to motivate you to keep through the good times and bad.

Once you know which reward works for you, let others know, such as your boss or wife so they can know what motivates you and act accordingly.

It is important to cultivate an environment of support and encouragement. People need to feel like they are part of a team and that their efforts will be appreciated. Encouragement can come from friends, family, teachers, or mentors. Having a positive support system can help to keep us motivated and on track.

Motivation is an essential part of our lives. It’s the major force that drives us to take action and reach our goals. It is important to understand what motivates us so we can set our lives up accordingly. Set meaningful goals, use rewards, and cultivate a supportive environment to help motivate us and increase our chances of success.

Wendy’s words for you………

I think we use a combination of these motivational theories depending on the circumstances. Some are useful for short them and others for longer term. The main thing is to understand what works for you and how can you use this knowledge to lead to success.

Researching and evaluating an action is usually a wise step before taking action on decision. As well as knowing what reward motivates you. Knowing which level you are currently working on is important in determining which goals to set in each level and it creates a step by step guide for future goals in the ascending levels.


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