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Age of Aquarius What Changes?

Writer's picture: WendyWendy

We are moving out of the Age of Pisces and into the Age of Aquarius. What does this mean? During the Pisces Age we saw big institutions and corporations They were created for the purpose of creating laws, rules, and conventions. These were created to maintain the status quo of a hierarchy system, meaning a few people at the top dictating to the masses below.

This system was held in place with control, power, and money. The availablility of knowledge and information were reserved for the people at the top. Control was obtained by using power, threats, fear, abuse and even death.

Demonstrating this in a graph it would resemble a pyramid, with very few people at the top moving down to the majority of the people at the bottom. As you can see this system worked for the few on top but not the ones on the bottom.

I don't think I need to go into much more detail here, we all know the way it has been working. But is it working? In the past few years we have seen this dysfunctional system crumbling and it will continue to crumble because the hierarchy system no longer makes sense. It is an outdated dysfunctional system.

There is a new energy here, an energy that started with the dawn of the Age of Aquarius. When this Age actually started is unclear, I would say I became aware of this shift in 2012. Some say it started in 2020 and we all know what happened world wide in 2020. Another theory is it starts when Pluto goes into Aquarius this year on Novemer 19. Whenever it actually started I believe and many others believe we are in it now.

What does it mean? What changes? What can we expect? Where do we go from here?

The shift from the Age of Pisces to Aquarius is an energetic shift and it will happen throughout the next 2000 years or so. Some say it is a shift from doing to being, from thinking to feeling, a distribution of power from a few to the collective.

Let's look at the characteristics of the astrological sign of Aquarius.

Here are some areas we can expect to see expansion in during the Age of Aquarius:

  1. Intelligence - Increases in technology and AI capablities. This is an area that has already started moving forward and we can expect more of it. With this expansion information is readily available for everyone allowing access to all information and increasing their own knowledge. Knowlege is power, so instead of relying on a select few that have the knowledge and handing our power over to them, everyone is able to access resources expanding their knowledge and therefore power. We have seen this with the expansion of the internet and this technology will continue to expand in the Age of Aquarius.

  2. Humanitarianism - Shifting from a 'Me' mentality to a 'We' mentality. Instead of focusing what is best for me, the shift will be, what is best for the collective. How can I share what I know with others so they are inpired and empowered to help themselves and expand their knowing.

  3. Altruistic Behavior - Selfless thinking, sharing knowledge and wisdom with the collective to empower and inspire them to create more in their lives. More compassion to others.

  4. Original Thinking - Asking 'does this information make sense to me or is there another possible source for information?' Expansion of 'knowing that I know', expanding intuitive powers. Asking what is true here for me. Knowing what is right for you and coming up with new ideas and solutions that are unique to you. Relying on your own wisdom.

  5. Unconventional Thinking - Coming up with new and innovative solutions that work today, not because they worked in the past. The old ways may no longer work. Thinking out of the box not relying on outdated or past infromation. A what else is possible mentality.

  6. More Transparency - The unknown will be known. Information will be revealed and shared for all to access, allowing the collective to keep what resonates with them and discard what doesn't make sense to them. No longer looking to others for the answers, having the power to access the answers for oneself. Asking questions to expand your knowing.

  7. Optimistic Energy - Aquarius energy expands confidence and hopefullness. Self-knowing increases self confidence and self confidence expands our capability to come up with solutions that work for us. Once again going by our knowing what is true and not by what someone higher up tells us is true.

  8. Expansion in Creativity - Aquarius energy promotes expanding and sharing innovative ideas, inspiring others, and sharing creative ideas. Encouraging creativity promotes value and the incentive to tap into our knowing for more creative ideas.

  9. Spiritual Alignment - Living in alignment with your higher self will be more important than it ever has been before. Connecting and aligning with your higher self expands your spirituality and connectedness to Source. Fostering a deep connection to the Universe or Source through your higher self can bring more clarity and guidance enhancing your inner knowing. It's about knowing the Universe has your back and asking for support and guidance. This goes back to "Ask and you shall receive".

  10. Shifting out of 3D Consciousness - The shift from the Pisces Age to the Age of Aquarius is one of a shifting consciousness. This is shift out of the Pisces Age or the 3D consciousness. The 3D consciousness is one of individuality and competition, it's me against you and the strongest wins. It's about the fight to get closer to the top. 3D consciousness is about thinking not feeling.

  11. Shifting Into 5D Consciousness - The Age of Aquarius is about shifting into a oneness consciousness, we are all connected by Source. 5D is about knowing that you know, it's about your wisdom. 5D is about coming from your heart about a feeling, going with your intuition. It's about getting out of your head and into your heart.

Looking at a graph of the energy of the Age of Aquarius compared to the Age of Pisces it would look more like a rectangle rather than a pyramid. People are joined together as a collective, a oneness. People empowering and inspiring others to be more, create more, to shine their light. People knowing their power and sharing it for the good of all and the good of the Earth.

I hope you enjoyed this blog, it's my pleasure to share my discoveries of the Age of Aquarius with you. I will be expanding my understanding of this Age and I look forward to sharing it with you. Please check out my website at

In Gratitude ~ Wendy Barker



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