I will be honest I never really thought too much about why things were the way they were until a few years ago. Or maybe I should say I didn't think there were other options then the hiearchy individualistic system that I knew since birth. I am not proud to say I lived over half my life going along with the way things were because that's just the way they are. Don't get me wrong, there were times when I thought, this isn't right, or something doesn't sound right here or this system doesn't make any sense to me.
I recall a time when I did question my father about one of his actions that didn't make sense to me. Do you know what his response was? It was "I would be a damn fool not to do it." I remember standing there with my mouth open and my face screwed up thinking "Really". I still didn't get it, but I let it go.
My father being a fool did not align with my belief system at that time, he was a very successful self made man. What I didn't understand was that he was following the belief system passed down to him from many generations. It didn't even really belong to him, it was a system that had been in place for over 2000 years and he like the majority of us bought into this system as real and true. A system that favored a select few not the collective.
For part of my life I also adopted or bought those beliefs as real. Yes, at times I did question the validity of many of them and usually came up with the same answer. It is what it is or that is the way the system works. In reality that system wasn't working for me and isn't working for me now, it is an illusion. The meaning of an illusion is, a false idea or belief.
When confusion or issues come up now I ask myself is this real or is this an illusion, is it something I bought from someone and believed it to be real or is it an illusion? Usually the answer comes up right away, if not I ask for clarity on whether this is real or an illusion. I have been very surprised at many of my answers. If you want to try this yourself, pick a belief you have and ask is this real, wait for the answer, is it an illusion? The first answer that comes to you is the right answer for you. You really do know that you know.
The beauty of all this is the energy of the universe is working with us for change. We are shifting out of the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius. Moving out of that old Piscean age of man against man, of hoarding, more, more, more for me which of course leads to less for you. The Aquarian Age is people working together to create a better world for the collective.
This shift into the Age of Aquarius doesn't happen instantly and for awhile we are in that in-between stage. We have one foot stepping out of the Age of Pisces and one foot stepping into the Age of Aquarius. We know this can be a very awkward stage, the old way is falling apart and doesn't make sense anymore and the new way is vague, unknown, uncertain. The future may be hard to comprehend because the way is ambiguous.
The in-between stage lacks clarity and that can be unnerving to us. It is a time of living in the now and having faith we are exactly where we are suppose to be and trusting the path
ahead will be made clear. Believe it, clarity will come.
This in-between time is a time to stand still, there is no need to run around in circles doing this or that to try to fix it. It is a time of being, just being. We are human beings not human doings. It is time to learn what it is like to be a human being. A time of reflection, go inside ask yourself some questions. What is right for me, what is right for the earth? What makes sense? What else is possible with my time on earth? What awareness is coming up for me here? What will give me more clarity on my next best step? What action can I take right here right now to give me more clarity with this situation? Action is in the moment only.
Standing in the in-between allows you to develop confidence in who you really are. What you value, what you want your life to look like and how you can create it. It's time to devlop your intuition, that piece of you that knows that you know.
The old way was to run to someone for the answers. It was about giving your power away to someone you were told was more educated, more knowledgable, more higher evolved. The Age of Aquarius is about listening to your intuition ask yourself what will make me feel better, what will create more for now and in the future, what will raise my energy, my vibration and then sharing it with others so they are able to create more too.
If you are wondering what is happening to this world, or why nothing is the way it was, asking yourself where are we heading with this. Know you are in the in-between time, a blend of what the past was and what the future will be. Stand still, listen, learn, be the observer of your life. You can go on about what the past was or wasn't or you can worry about what the future will bring or you can make the choice to live in the moment, be here now. It's in the moment where choices are made, decisions are made, awareness happens, questions are asked, directions are taken, action can happen. Take a deep breath, know that right now right here you are ok you can handle this. You are the source of what you choose, you have the power to create a life that works for you and the collective. Know that clarity will come, just ask for it. What will it take to have clarity with all this? What action can I take today to raise my vibration and create a better world for everyone.
I hope you enjoyed this article. It has been my pleasure to share my discoveries of the Age of Aquarius with you. For more or other blogs like this one please check out my website at www.hummingbirdandowl.com
In Gratitude.....Wendy Barker